Tuesday, November 6, 2007

C minus 58 and counting

In case you are wondering, that means 58 days until caucus night. Watched Fox tonight (Bones, then House) and saw five political ads - two different ones for Obama, one each for Edwards, Clinton and Romney. None were particularly memorable. The House episode was good though! Today was also election day. Probably the biggest thing on the ballot here was a petition on requiring that all bars exclude people under 21 years of age after 10 p.m. Looks like it will fail (although not by much - currently 52 to 48%) most likely due to high student turnout (duh!).
The good news is that in only one year (give or take) this round of Presidential electioneering will be done! Can we survive the next 366 days? Who can tell? We'll just have to live it and see...

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